Friday, November 6, 2009

Friday and First Sale

It is Friday!! Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah! *Does a happy dance* I love the weekends. No, seriously, I LOVE THEM. Now that the wedding is over, my weekends are so much more relaxed and I have tons of time to do projects, spend quality time with Alex, and do fun things :)

Yesterday, I made my first Etsy sale. Have to say. I'm pretty pumped. It was a total stranger too. So that means that people I don't even know like my stuff. Pretty cool, folks.

This weekend - I am starting on some fleece baby blankets. I originally wanted to make one for a present for my niece this Christmas. I'm still going to do that. I have a feeling that people would really like them though. They are very personalizable. I think I made that word up, but I don't care.

Also, I am hosting a game night on Sunday at our house. I'm a little nervous about it (because I am a crazy person) and hope everyone doesn't mind my small, old house and dog and lack of refinement.

Hope everyone has some wonderful weekend plans :)


Britney said...

Yay for your first sale, that is awesome! I'm excited for game night, especially since I'll get to meet Yoshi :)

wolfiemitrestone said...

Thanks, Britney! Yoshi will be very excited to meet all of you. He loves new people :)

meg{moir} said...

Congrats again on the first sale! That's awesome!

How are you making the fleece blanket? Do you sew too?

wolfiemitrestone said...

I sew a little - we grew up with a sewing machine in the house and my Mum used to make clothes for us - so I picked up a little from her. The fleece blanket actually doesn't require sewing. You can sew if you want to - but there is a way to avoid it. I'd be happy to show you if you want. The next "sewing" project I am starting is a patchwork quilt for my niece.